About Ethiopia

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) is situated in the Horn of Africa. With a proud and rich history going back thousands of years, whilst materially poor it is rich in social and spiritual resources.

Key Statistics:

  • History: It is the only African country that was never colonized, except for five years of Italian military occupation (1936-41). In 1974 the last Emperor, Haile Selassie’s reign ended and power fell to a communist military junta known as the Derg, backed by the Soviet Union until defeated in 1991 by the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) who continue to form the government. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was appointed in February 2018. 
  • Population: As of 2025, Ethiopia's population is estimated to be around 120 million, making it the second-most populous country in Africa. There are 90 languages spoken, and more than 200 dialects. Amharic is recognized as the official working language of the Federal Government. The various regions of Ethiopia are free to determine their own working languages, with Oromiffa, Somali and Tigrinya recognized as official working languages in their respective regions.
  • Area: Ethiopia spans about 1.1 million square kilometers (420,000 square miles), which is roughly the size of the combined areas of France, Spain, and Portugal.
  • Elevation: The country is known for its mountainous terrain, with an average elevation of 1,500 meters (4,920 feet) above sea level. Addis Ababa, the capital city situated in the foothills of Mount Entoto, is at an elevation of 2,400m (8,000’). The Ethiopian Highlands are among Africa's highest, and Ras Dashen, the tallest peak, reaches 4,550 meters (14,928 feet) above sea level.
  • Climate: Ethiopia has fairly uniform year-round temperatures depending on its elevation. The highlands are temperate, while the lowlands experience hot, arid conditions. The country typically has two rainy seasons, from March to May and June to September, with drier weather for the rest of the year. The Ethiopian Julian calendar dates back to 25 BC and has 13 months – hence the tourist slogan “13 months of sunshine.”
  • Economy: In the last 10 years, the country’s economic growth rate has been 10% per annum and Ethiopia is now the largest economy (by GDP) in East Africa and Central Africa. Ethiopia is set to become a middle income country by 2030. Four major crops are believed to have originated in Ethiopia: coffee, grain sorghum, castor beans and teff which constitute many of their exports.

Ethiopia is a country of outstanding beauty, remarkable historic sites, and a generous hospitable people.